Monday , February 17 2025

KE attributes power outages in metropolis to a shortage of furnace oil

K-Electric (KE) on Thursday said that the reason for the long power outages in the metropolis are due to shortage of furnace oil as lawmakers in the National Assembly questioned the response of the power utility.

In a statement, KE said that the peak demand has crossed to 3.450 megawatt due to hot and humid weather being experienced in the country.

In the statement, they said “Furnace oil is not available in the market to the level required to result up to 800 megatons of shortfall daily. The has been in news and the government is taking action by allowing imports. the Sui Southern Gas Company has done a reduction of 50 mmcfd in regasified liquefied natural gas (RLNG) which has caused other challenges.”

The statement said that along with these factors the power coming from the wind corridors are also being affected causing a reduction in KE’S power supply from 3,150 megawatt to 2,800 megawatt.

It also said that the government has decided to import furnace oil while will help with easing the situation in the coming days.
On Wednesday K-Electric tweeted that violent mobs have been damaging KE’s grid station and offices.

They also tweeted “This endangers our team and makes our job more difficult. We are working 24/7 to supply maximum power despite ongoing fuel shortage. Please bear with us during these challenging times.”

Nepra took notice of load shedding and overbilling

The National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) took notice of the complaints regarding unannounced load shedding in Karachi and directed the power utility to submit a detailed report regarding the issue.

In a statement, Nepra also said that they have also the increasing electric bills and in response to it they said: “Strict direction have been given to K-Electric to take corrective measures and submit a detailed report immediately to NEPRA.”




About fazal

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